Event 3
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Amander Clark PhD Dr. Clark is a development biologist working on genetics and epigenetics of stem cells with a focus on primordial germ cells at UCLA.
Anne C. Ferguson-Smith Dr. Ferguson-Smith is a world-renowned expert on epigenetics. Her lab works on epigenetic and epigenomics at Cambridge Univewrsity, UK.
Haifan Lin Dr. Lin is a pioneer of RNA biology. He is Director of the Yale Stem Cell Center.
Toshihiro Shioda Dr. Shioda is an expert on environmental epigenomics and male germline biology. His lab is based at Harvard Med School.
Peter J. Snyder Dr. Snyder is a physician scientist working on endocrine and metabolic diseases at Penn.
Jacquetta Trasler Dr. Trasler is a distinguished reproductive biologist working on epigenetics and epigenomics of the male germline at McGill University, Canada.
Joachim Madrenas Vice President for Research The Lundquist Institute